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Pathophysiology of Hypertension

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Pathophysiology is the study of the causes of disease or the changes that happen in the body due to the disease. This is important to determine the underlying causes of health problems and the severity through the changes or symptoms that appear.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is known to be a silent killer. Knowing the pathophysiology of hypertension is helpful in preventing and treating this condition. Most of the time, the causes of hypertension can’t be determined.

Some people with hypertension don’t see any signs or symptoms that they have high blood pressure. They just realize that they have this condition when serious problems happen to like a heart attack or stroke.

Pathophysiology of Hypertension

How To Handle Every Hypertension Pathophysiology Challenge With Ease Using These Tips

Others are lucky enough to survive a heart attack and with the help of their doctor, find ways to lower blood pressure. While some people with hypertension immediately die on the first attack.

If there are members in your family who have hypertension, there’s a big chance that you may also have it. It’s best to have your blood pressure checked to make sure it’s regulated.

  • Aside from congenital factor, there are other factors that may cause hypertension such as food intake, alcohol, smoke, stress, and obesity.
  • To prevent having high blood pressure, watch your food intake.
  • Stay away from junk foods, fatty and salty foods. Instead, go for healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of fluids to promote proper digestion and circulation of blood in the body.
  • Prevent smoking and drinking alcohol. Take time to relax to prevent hypertension.
  • When you feel stressed out and you still have lots of things to do, take a breather. A quick break is enough to make you relax. Go out for a while and breathe some fresh air outside.
  • Since obesity is a factor for hypertension, exercise regularly and eat healthy foods if you’re overweight to prevent hypertension.


The Secrets To Pathophysiology Of Hypertension


Hypertension is usually associated with a heart attack. People with hypertension or high blood pressure can suffer from a heart attack and other heart diseases.

However, the heart is not the only organ that can be affected by hypertension.

Since blood circulates all over the body, even other organs like liver, kidney, eyes, and brain can be damaged. Most of the time, the pathophysiology of hypertension is unknown. Most people with high blood pressure do not show any symptoms that they have this condition.

That’s why it’s called a silent killer. People can die from hypertension without them knowing that they have high blood pressure. Even the exact cause of hypertension is hard to determine.

Hypertension can be genetic and can also be caused by different factors like stress, renal or kidney problem, congested liver, blood clotting, unhealthy foods, smoke, alcohol and more.

People who have a history of hypertension, diabetes or kidney failure in their family are prone to having hypertension. Blood pressure must be checked regularly to prevent hypertension.

So hypertension can be due to different factors that when combined cause hypertension, different ways of treating hypertension are tried on patients.


Understanding Causes And Symptoms Of Hypertension


Hypertension can be caused by the hardening of arteries. Excess fats and cholesterol can build up on the arteries, and if these are not removed by good cholesterol, these can cause hardening of arteries leading to high blood pressure.

There are many substances in the blood that you get from the foods you eat like calcium, vitamins, oxidants, etc. Some of these can cause inflammation leading to a blood clot. Since the blood can’t circulate properly, this can cause high blood pressure.

Kidney cleanses blood toxins to promote good blood flow. If the kidney is unable to filter toxins in the blood, this can also lead to blood clotting and irregular blood flow causing hypertension.

The liver plays an important role in repairing any malfunctions on other organs. If there is liver damage, problems causing hypertension will not be repaired. Hypertension is important in treating hypertension and prolonging life expectancy.

Though causes and symptoms of hypertension can’t be easily determined in some cases, it’s best to have your blood pressure checked and prevent things that may cause hypertension like eating unhealthy foods, drinking alcohol and lack of physical activities.


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