Ibn Sina Malibagh Doctor List

Are you searching for the best healthcare providers in the area? Look no further than the Ibn Sina Malibagh Doctor List, your ultimate guide to top-notch medical professionals. This extensive list not only highlights qualified doctors but also provides insights into their specialties and services, ensuring you make informed decisions for your health. Are you…

ডা এম সাঈদুল হক

ডা এম সাঈদুল হক লিভার, গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টেরোলজি ও মেডিসিন বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তার। উনি ঢাকা মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল এর সহকারী অধ্যাপক হিসেবে কর্মরত আছেন। বর্তমানে ডা এম সাঈদুল হক ঢাকা গ্যাস্ট্রো লিভার সেন্টার শান্তিনগর এ চেম্বার করছেন। ডা. এম. সাঈদুল হক এমবিবিএস, বিসিএস (স্বাস্থ্য), এমডি (হেপাটোলজি) সহকারী অধ্যাপক, লিভার বিভাগ ঢাকা মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল লিভার, গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টেরোলজি ও মেডিসিন…

Labaid Gulshan Doctor List

Labaid Gulshan is one of the best Diagnostic centres in Dhaka city. All the famous and good doctors are sitting here for treatments. From here you will find Labaid Gulshan Doctor List, Contact number, and Doctor appointment system. Labaid Gulshan Contact Number House 13/A, Road 35, Gulshan-02, Dhaka-1212 Tel: 02-222281943 02-8835981-4 10606, +8801766-662525 Labaid Gulshan…

Labaid Gulshan Gynaecologist Doctor List

Labaid Gulshan is one of the best diagnostic centers for treatment. All the best doctor is available for your treatments. Here you will find Labaid Gulshan Gynaecologist doctor list. It will help you to find the best gynecologist doctors available in Labaid Gulshan. Labaid Gulshan Phone Number House 13/A, Road-35, Gulshan-2, Dhaka-1212 Tel: 02-222281943, 02-8835981-4…

Medinova Dhanmondi Doctor List

Medinova is one of the best diagnostic centres in Dhaka. Medinova diagnostic mainly known as Medinova Medical Services Ltd. It is situated in Dhanmondi, Dhaka. All the best doctor sitting here to provide quality doctor services for patients. They also have very good diagnostic equipment with modern facilities. Here you will find Medinova Dhanmondi Doctor…

Popular Diagnostic Center Dhanmondi Doctor List

Popular Diagnostic is one of the best diagnostic and doctor centers in Dhaka city. All the best doctors from all departments provide treatment to all patients. In this post, we will provide you Popular Diagnostic Center Dhanmondi Doctor List, address, phone number, and doctor appointment system. Table of ContentsPopular Diagnostic Center DhanmondiPopular Diagnostic Centre Location…

Popular Diagnostic Center Phone Number

Popular Diagnostic is one of the best Diagnostic centers in Bangladesh. There are many branches of popular Diagnostic in Dhaka and outside Dhaka. In this post, you will find all Popular Diagnostic Phone Number for all branches. This post helps you to find all Popular Diagnostic center phone number, address on one page. বাংলাদেশে স্বাস্থ্যসেবার…

Ibn Sina Diagnostic Doyagonj Doctor List

Ibn Sina one of the best diagnostic centre in Dhaka. Ibn Sina has many branches for Diagnostic in Dhaka City. Ibn Sina Doyagonj is one of them. Ibn Sina Doyagonj is also very famous and popular diagnostic in Dhaka. Here we will discuss Ibn Sina Diagnostic Doyagonj Doctor List, address & phone number. ইবনে সিনা…